The Help Center Inc. DBA: The Laura Miller George Help Center
409 Fairground St., Mexico, MO. 65265
Our Mission: Serving families in need by providing food and support, while educating the community in collaboration with others who address solutions for these needs.

Who we are
Serving others is what we are all about here at the Laura Miller George Help Center.
So what does that really mean?
We are a food pantry, we provide supplemental food to over 1000 families every month, which equates to 2,250 people from Audrain County. Who are the people that we serve? They are our friends and our neighbors, they are people who struggle to make ends meet, they are people just like you and me, in fact they could be you and me.
We are a thrift store that re-sells used clothing and household items to the public at very low cost, allowing any one to be able to purchase and have items that you and I might take for granted. We also donate these same items to people who cannot afford to purchase them. All of the revenue generated from the thrift store goes to support the food distribution operation and the operation of this facility.
We are The Salvation Army Extension Unit for Audrain County. That means we are a benevolence organization that assists families and people with emergency financial support and referrals to partner agencies who might also be able to provide support in many ways to people. We take the time to listen to each person and hear their struggles. We offer love, compassion, and support where we can.
So how does all this happen? It happens because of you, the public who cares about each other. You volunteer your time in the food pantry and the thrift store. You donate items from your home to the thrift store which are cleaned and sold to others. You might donate food to the food pantry, just like Walmart and Aldi do every week. You might provide The Help Center with financial support which keeps the doors open and the love pouring out.
The Food Bank for Central and Northeast Missouri is our largest partner and is the key to our success as a food pantry. They donate nearly 2 million pounds of food annually to us to give out in Audrain County!!
Did you know that the State of Missouri offers a Food Pantry Tax Credit? Your financial donation up to $5000.00 can possibly be utilized for a 50% tax credit?!! This is an extraordinary way to provide support to our mission of service to others and provide yourself with a tax credit. I encourage you to check with your tax profession to see if this might be of benefit to you if you are so inclined. Every single financial donation has a huge impact, large or small, your donation is important!
In closing, The Laura Miller George Help Center is you and I, it is people caring for and about each other, it is a mission of love and service. Would you join us? You now have the knowledge and insight of what we do and how you might be able to serve with us. Do you want to know more? Contact me, Kim Archer, here at 409 Fairground in Mexico, MO. Or call me at 573-581-3238, Ext. 12, or email me at
Would you like me to come to your business, your civic group, your church, to provide more information? I would love that invitation!